In ACDK Make Workspace a distribution unit
with sources, configuration, tests and
documentation will be defined.
;; this code equal in every workspace
(defun acdk-project-main-init ()
(defun make-project-main ()
;; don't edit this
(acdk-project-main-init) ; just initialization
;; TODO Name of the package/workspace
(setg acdkmake-project-name "acdk_boot")
;; TODO the version of acdk all packages in one distribution should be compatible
(setg acdk-project-distribution-version "1.00")
;; TODO the version of the current package
(setg acdk-project-package-version "1.00.2")
;; TODO which platforms are supported in this package
(setg acdk-project-platforms
'("dsp" "linux" "sunos-gcc")
;; TODO list of directory/subprojectsname/dependencies
(setg acdk-projects
("src" "acdk_boot_dll" ())
("src" "HelloWorld" (acdk_boot_dll))
;; don't change this
;; don't change this