


// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:2; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- 
// Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by Roger Rene Kommer / artefaktur, Kassel, Germany.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL).
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// License ACDK-FreeLicense document enclosed in the distribution
// for more for more details.
// This file is part of the Artefaktur Component Development Kit:
//                         ACDK
// Please refer to
// - http://www.acdk.de
// - http://www.artefaktur.com
// - http://acdk.sourceforge.net
// for more information.
// $Header: /cvsroot/acdk/acdk/acdk_core/src/acdk/lang/sys/ObjectHeap.h,v 1.19 2005/04/28 15:00:05 kommer Exp $
#ifndef acdk_lang_sys_ObjectHeap_h
#define acdk_lang_sys_ObjectHeap_h

#include "../../Config.h"

#include "SysRefHolder.h"
#include "HeapFrame.h"

template <class T> class RefHolder;
namespace acdk {
namespace lang {

class acdk::lang::Object;
class InterfaceBase;

namespace ref {

class NotifyObjectEventListener;

} //namespace ref 
} //namespace lang 
} // namespace acdk

namespace acdk {
namespace lang {
namespace sys {

using namespace acdk::lang;


  Manages the different Heaps, including Reference Counting, gargabe Collecting etc.
  There is no Instance of this heap.

class Allocator;

class ACDK_CORE_PUBLIC ObjectHeap 
  /// private constructor. This class is static
  ObjectHeap() { }

/** HeapType declares the Type of heap, with different memory management strategies
enum HeapType 
    /** Objects are reference counted, but no bookkeeping of References will be made. 
        Cyclic references will not be resolved and freed at gc().
        gc() does nothing.      */
    RC_Heap = 0x0001,
    /** Objects are reference counted and collected in the Heap.
        gc() will try to free cyclic references */
    RC_GC_Heap = 0x0002,

    /** Use a seperate PageAllocator with mark/sweep algo */
    PA_Heap = 0x0004,
    /** using Boehms Conservative Garbage Collector */
    GC_Heap = 0x0008,

    /** Objects are allocated on the heap, no reference counting, 
        no bookkeeping of references, just allocate and forget.
        garantee of memory leeks.
    Garbage_Heap = 0x0010,
      Objects are allocated on a seperated heap, 
      on #popFrame() all Objects will be freed. Please take care of
      dangling pointers! 
    Private_Heap = 0x0020,

  /** returns the current allocator */
  static Allocator* allocator();

  /** called if RefCount is zero.
    @return true if acdk::lang::Object should be destroyed
  static bool notifyBeforeObjectDestruction(acdk::lang::Object* obj);
  /** will be called after finalize but bufore ~acdk::lang::Object */
  static void notifyWhileObjectDestruction(acdk::lang::Object* obj);
  static void listHeaps(::acdk::lang::ref::NotifyObjectEventListener* listener, bool allthreads);
    @param flags combination of ListObjectsFlags
  static void listObjects(::acdk::lang::ref::NotifyObjectEventListener* listener, int flags);
  static void listedAllocated(::acdk::lang::ref::NotifyObjectEventListener* listener, int flags, AllocatedType type);
    returns the count of allocated acdk::lang::Object in current or all Heaps 
    If the current Heap has no tracking, returns 0.
  static int objectCount(bool total = false);
  returns the allocated Memory in current or all Heaps.
  If the current Heap has no tracking, returns 0.
  static size_t totalAllocated(bool total = false);
  /** checks if Heap has recursiv References */
  //static bool checkCyclicReferences(bool recursiv = false);
    try to free acdk::lang::Object References, which has no external References.
    @return returns true, if an Reference island was found
  static bool gc(bool total = false);
    try to free the given acdk::lang::Object, if it has no external References.
    @return returns true, if an Reference island was found
  //static bool gc(const acdk::lang::Object* obj);
    register this object as new dynamically allocated object 
  static void newHeapObject(acdk::lang::Object* obj);
    looks if given acdk::lang::Object is in the current heap
  static bool onHeapAllocated(acdk::lang::Object* obj);
    creates a new HeapFrame
    @param heaptype the type of the heap
        Objects are reference counted, but no bookkeeping of References will be made. 
        Cyclic references will not be resolved and freed at gc().
        gc() does nothing.      
        Objects are reference counted and collected in the Heap.
        gc() will try to free cyclic references 
        Objects are allocated on the heap, no reference counting, 
        maybe no bookkeeping of references.
        on #popFrame() all Objects will be freed. Please take care of
        dangling pointers! 
    @param name the name of the heap. Used for debugging purpose or as identifier to delete them.
  static void pushFrame(HeapType heaptype = RC_GC_Heap, HeapInfo info = HeapIsThread, const char* name = "");
    destroys the the top (last pushed) Heap 
  static void popFrame(HeapInfo info = HeapIsThread);
    Make the given HeapFrame as top active HeapFrame
  static void pushFrame(RHeapFrame heap);
    destroys the frame, take care, this can have side effects
    @param the name of the heapframe.
    @return true if frame is deleted
  static bool deleteFrame(const char* name);
    returns the last pushed frame
  static RHeapFrame topHeapFrame();
    The which holds globals (not bound to Thread */
  static RHeapFrame globalHeap();
    The which hold the statics
  static RHeapFrame staticHeap();
    The which hold the statics
  static RHeapFrame getStaticFrame() { return staticHeap(); }
    return the allocator configured to allocate static objects
  Allocator* staticAllocator() { return staticHeap()->allocator(); }
  /** used to allocate ThreadLocal */
  static RHeapFrame getThreadLocalHeap();
    return the allocator specific to this thread
  static Allocator* getThreadLocalAllocator();
    Registers the object as an static instance. 
    Normally you dont need to call this function by hand, but use 
    @param object the acdk::lang::Object, which will be stored in a static/global reference
  static acdk::lang::Object* newStaticObject(acdk::lang::Object* object);
    register the an reference to acdk::lang::Object as an static/global reference.
    This reference can be reset clearAllStaticReferences().
    @param reference the Reference to the acdk::lang::Object. 
  static void registerStaticReference(acdk::lang::Object* reference);
    register the an reference to acdk::lang::Object as an static/global reference.
    Will call releaseRef() at at end of program
  static void registerStaticReference(acdk::lang::Object* reference);
    clear all via registerStaticReference registered reference (set to Nil).
    Calling this method is maybe dangerous, if other parts of the applications
    rely on these static variables
  static void clearAllStaticReferences();
    return true if the given object instance is held by a static reference
  static bool isStaticReferenceObject(acdk::lang::Object* obj);

  /** locks the ObjectHeap interface */
  static void lockHeap();
  static void unlockHeap();

  /** removes the heaps connected with the current Thread */
  static void removeThreadHeap();

  /** return the adress of the stack base pointer */
  static unsigned int stackBase();
  static void saveStackBase(unsigned int sp); 

    return the overal limit of memory usage
  static jlong getMaxMemoryUsage() { return maxMemoryUsage(); }
    set the overall limit of memory usage
  static void setMaxMemoryUsage(jlong maxmem) { maxMemoryUsage() = maxmem; }
    return the limit of memory usage inside this thread
  static jlong getThreadMaxMemoryUsage() { return threadMaxMemoryUsage(); }
  static void setThreadMaxMemoryUsage(jlong maxmem) { threadMaxMemoryUsage() = maxmem; }
  static jlong& threadMaxMemoryUsage();
  static jlong& maxMemoryUsage();
  static jlong& curMemUsage();
  static jlong& curThreadMemUsage();
  static jlong getMaxAllocatedMem() { return threadMaxMemoryUsage() < maxMemoryUsage() ? threadMaxMemoryUsage() : maxMemoryUsage(); }

  /// unsynchronized version
  //static void _addObject(const acdk::lang::Object* obj, size_t size);
  /// unsynchronized version
  static bool _onHeapAllocated(const acdk::lang::Object* obj);
  /// unsynchronized version
  //static bool _removeObject(const acdk::lang::Object* obj);
  /// unsynchronized version
  static acdk::lang::Object* _newStaticObject(acdk::lang::Object* obj);

foreign class LockObjectHeap

  different to static_mutex it only locks/unlock if System::isInMain() is true
struct HeapLockMutex
: public static_mutex
  void lock();
  void unlock();

#ifdef ACDK_MT
  extern HeapLockMutex _heapAccessLock; 
# define HEAPLOCKGUARD() TLockGuard<HeapLockMutex>  lockthis(_heapAccessLock)
# define UNLOCKHEAPGUARD() core_unlock_guard<HeapLockGuard> unlockthis(_heapAccessLock)



#endif //ACDK_MT

} // sys
} // lang
} // acdk

#endif //acdk_lang_sys_ObjectHeap_h