// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:2; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*-
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by Roger Rene Kommer, artefaktur
// Projekt: ACDK
// $Header: /cvsroot/acdk/acdk/acdk_core/src/acdk/tools/acdkmc/GenARB.cpp,v 1.7 2003/06/19 14:37:16 kommer Exp $
// $Log: GenARB.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.7 2003/06/19 14:37:16 kommer
// source comment header ajusted
// Revision 1.6 2003/06/19 13:17:06 kommer
// merged acdk-3-unicode into MAIN
// Revision 2003/05/22 12:37:00 kommer
// moved DMI flags from reflect::Modifier to dmi::MetaInfoFlags
// Revision 1.5 2001/12/14 12:04:20 kommer
// dos2unix
// Revision 1.4 2001/12/09 22:28:22 kommer
// introduced IN() for method parameter
// Revision 1.3 2001/12/09 00:22:15 kommer
// introduced IN() for acdk::lang::Object parameters
// Revision 1.2 2001/12/07 22:53:06 kommer
// ajust namespace
// Revision 1.1 2001/12/02 13:47:28 kommer
// initial revision
// Revision 1.5 2001/11/21 20:59:10 kommer
// panta rei
// Revision 1.4 2001/11/18 14:11:16 kommer
// panta rei
// Revision 1.3 2001/05/05 18:12:25 kommer
// panta rei
// Revision 1.2 2001/03/10 12:45:24 kommer
// panta rei
// Revision 1.1 2001/01/24 13:28:32 kommer
// panta rei
#if 0
#include "ClassInfo.h"
#include <acdk/io/File.h>
namespace acdk {
namespace tools {
namespace acdkmc {
using namespace acdk::lang;
using namespace acdk::lang::reflect;
USING_CLASS(::acdk::io::, File);
USING_CLASS(::acdk::util::, Iterator);
//using namespace acdk::util;
MethodInfo::writeArbProxy(IN(RPrintWriter) out, IN(RClassInfo) clsinfo)
if (Modifier::isCompatibleType(_access) == false) {
log(Note, "not accessible Type: " + toString()
out->print(" virtual " + returnType + " " + name + "(");
RIterator it = args->iterator();
bool prev = false;
int inParamCount = 0;
int outParamCount = 0;
bool hasReturn = false;
if (returnType->compareTo("void") != 0)
hasReturn = true;
if (hasReturn == true)
while (it->hasNext() == true) {
RArgumentInfo ai = (RArgumentInfo)it->next();
if (prev == true)
out->print(", ");
prev = true;
if (ai->flags & MiAiIn || ai->flags == 0)
if (ai->flags & MiAiOut)
if (_throws->size() > 0) {
out->print(" throw (");
it = _throws->iterator();
bool isFirst = true;
while (it->hasNext() == true) {
RString tcls = (RString)it->next();
if (isFirst == false)
out->print(", ");
isFirst = false;
out->print("\n {\n");
out->print(" if (isLocal() == true) {\n");
out->print(" ");
if (hasReturn == true)
out->print("return ");
out->print("dynamic_cast<" + _classInfo->_name + "*>(localImpl())->" + name + "(");
prev = false;
it = args->iterator();
while (it->hasNext() == true) {
RArgumentInfo ai = (RArgumentInfo)it->next();
if (prev == true)
out->print(", ");
prev = true;
out->print(" } else {\n");
//out->print(" ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar erg;\n");
int argcount = args->size();
out->print(" ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVarArray args(" + Integer::toString(inParamCount) + ");\n");
//not out->print(" ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVarArray ergs(" + Integer::toString(inParamCount) + ");\n");
out->print(" ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVarArray ergs(0);\n"); // will be appended
out->print(" ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar _theEx;\n");
it = args->iterator();
int i = 0;
while (it->hasNext() == true) {
RArgumentInfo ai = (RArgumentInfo)it->next();
if (ai->flags == 0 || ai->flags & MiAiIn ) {
out->print(" args[" + Integer::toString(i) + "] = " + ArgumentInfo::castToScriptVar(ai->type) + " " + ai->name + ";\n");
out->print(" extern ::acdk::lang::dmi::ClazzMethodInfo " + _classInfo->_name + "_method_" + getJavaSignature(true) + ";\n");
out->print(" delegater()->invoke(::acdkx::arb::ARB::getARB(), _objID, &"
+ _classInfo->_name + "_method_" + getJavaSignature(true) + ", args, ergs, _theEx);\n");
out->print(" if (_theEx.type == ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar::ObjectType) {\n");
out->print(" acdk::lang::Object exobj = _theEx.getObjectVar();\n");
it = _throws->iterator();
while (it->hasNext() == true) {
RString excl = (RString)it->next();
out->print(" if (exobj->clazzInfo() == " + excl + "::clazzInfo()) \n");
out->print(" throw (" + excl + ")exobj;\n");
out->print(" if (instanceof(exobj, ::acdk::lang::Throwable)) \n");
out->print(" throw (::acdk::lang::RThrowable)exobj;\n");
out->print(" throw exobj;\n");
out->print(" }\n");
if (hasReturn == true)
i = 1;
i = 0;
it = args->iterator();
while (it->hasNext() == true) {
RArgumentInfo ai = (RArgumentInfo)it->next();
if (ai->flags & MiAiOut) {
out->print(" " + ai->name + " = (" + ai->type + ")ergs[" + Integer::toString(i) + "]." + ArgumentInfo::getScriptVarGetter(ai->type) + ";\n");
if (hasReturn == true) {
out->print(" return (" + returnType + ")ergs[0]." + ArgumentInfo::getScriptVarGetter(returnType) + ";\n");
out->print(" }\n");
out->print(" }\n");
/* This is a sample for arbdispatch
::acdk::lang::dmi::ClazzMethodInfo* arbDispatch(const char* fname, ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVarArray& args, ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVarArray& ergs, ::acdk::lang::dmi::ClazzMethodInfo* methinf = 0)
// RInteger foo(IN(int) i, OUT(RString) s, INOUT(float) f);
if (metodinf == foo) {
int i;
float f = arg[1].getFloatVar();
RInteger erg = foo(i, (RString)arg[0].getObjectVar(), f);
return metodinf;
return 0;
MethodInfo::writeArbDispatchBody(IN(RPrintWriter) out, IN(RClassInfo) clsinfo)
if (isConstructor() == true)
bool hasret = true;
if (returnType->compareTo((RString)"void") == 0)
hasret = false;
out->print(" if (&" + clsinfo->_name + "_method_" + getJavaSignature(true/*, argcount*/) + " == methinf) {\n");
int inParamCount = 0;
int outParamCount = 0;
//int curarg = 0;
if (_throws->size() > 0) {
out->print(" try {\n");
RIterator ait = args->iterator();
while (ait->hasNext() == true) {
RArgumentInfo ai = (RArgumentInfo)ait->next();
if (ai->flags & MiAiOut && !(ai->flags & MiAiIn)) {
out->print(" " + ai->type + " " + ai->name + ";\n");
} else if (ai->flags & MiAiOut && ai->flags & MiAiIn) {
out->print(" " + ai->type + " " + ai->name + " = (" + ai->type + ")args[" + Integer::toString(outParamCount) + "]." + ArgumentInfo::getScriptVarGetter(ai->type) + ";\n");
} else if (ai->flags & MiAiIn || ai->flags == 0) {
out->print(" ");
if (hasret)
out->print(returnType + " retval = ");
out->print(name + "(");
int ac = 0;
inParamCount = 0;
outParamCount = 0;
ait = args->iterator();
while (ait->hasNext() == true) {
RArgumentInfo ai = (RArgumentInfo)ait->next();
if (ac > 0)
out->print(", ");
if (ai->flags & MiAiOut && !(ai->flags & MiAiIn)) {
} else if (ai->flags & MiAiOut && ai->flags & MiAiIn) {
} else if (ai->flags & MiAiIn || ai->flags == 0) {
out->print("(" + ai->type + ")args[" + Integer::toString(outParamCount) + "]." + ArgumentInfo::getScriptVarGetter(ai->type));
outParamCount = 0;
if (hasret == true) {
out->print(" ergs.add(" + ArgumentInfo::castToScriptVar(returnType) + "retval);\n");
ait = args->iterator();
while (ait->hasNext() == true) {
RArgumentInfo ai = (RArgumentInfo)ait->next();
if (ai->flags & MiAiOut) {
out->print(" ergs.add(" + ArgumentInfo::castToScriptVar(ai->type) + ai->name + ");\n");
if (_throws->size() > 0) {
RIterator it = _throws->iterator();
while (it->hasNext() == true) {
RString ex = (RString)it->next();
out->print(" } catch (" + ex + " ex) {\n");
out->print(" _theEx = ex;\n");
out->print(" }\n");
out->print(" return methinf;\n");
out->print(" }\n");
ClassInfo::generateArbDispatch(IN(RPrintWriter) out)
out->print("//virtual\nconst ::acdk::lang::dmi::ClazzMethodInfo* \n" + _name + "::arbDispatch(const char* fname, ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVarArray& args, ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVarArray& ergs, ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar& _theEx, const ::acdk::lang::dmi::ClazzMethodInfo* methinf)\n{\n");
out->print(" if (methinf == 0)\n methinf = ::acdkx::arb::AObjectImpl::lookupMethod(fname, args, clazzInfo());\n");
out->print(" if (methinf == 0)\n");
out->print(" THROW1(Exception, RString(\"Cannot find matching function for \") + fname);\n");
RIterator it = _methods->iterator();
while (it->hasNext() == true) {
RMethodInfo mi = RMethodInfo(it->next());
if (mi->isConstructor() == true || mi->isDestructor() == true) {
log(Note, "Not write because constructor: " + mi->toString());
if (Modifier::isCompatibleType(mi->_access) == false) {
log(Note, "Not write because not compatible: " + mi->toString());
if (mi->isStatic() == true || mi->isPublic() == false) {
RString t = mi->toString();
log(Note, "Mot write because method is not puplic: " + t);
mi->writeOrbDispatchBody(out, this);
ClassInfo::generateARB(IN(RPrintWriter) out)
if (_isCorbaInterface == false)
RFile nf = new File(_module->getParent(), _name + "_" + "Proxy.cpp");
RPrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(nf));
out->print("// Generated by acdkmc\n\n");
out->print("// Copyrighted by Roger Rene Kommer, artefaktur\n//\n// Dont edit this file manually\n// \n\n");
StringBuffer headersecure;
RIterator it = _namespace->iterator();
while (it->hasNext() == true) {
headersecure.append(RString(it->next())); headersecure.append("_");
headersecure.append(_name + "_" + "Proxy_h");
out->print("#ifndef " + headersecure.toString() + "\n");
out->print("#define " + headersecure.toString() + "\n");
out->print("#include <acdk.h>\n");
out->print("#include <acdkx/arb/arb.h>\n#include <acdkx/arb/AObjectImpl.h>\n\n");
out->print("#include \"" + _module->baseFilename() + "\"\n");
out->print("class " + _publicDecl + " " + _name + "_Proxy\n: extends ::acdkx::arb::AObjectImpl,\n implements " + _name + "\n{\n");
out->print(" " + _name + "_Proxy() : AObjectImpl() { }\n");
out->print(" " + _name + "_Proxy(IN(::acdkx::arb::RObjectID) objid) : AObjectImpl(objid) { }\n");
out->print(" " + _name + "_Proxy(IN(acdk::lang::Object) localObject) : AObjectImpl(localObject) { }\n");
out->print(" static acdk::lang::Object create_instance() { return new " + _name + "_Proxy(); }\n");
RIterator it = _methods->iterator();
while (it->hasNext() == true) {
RMethodInfo mi = RMethodInfo(it->next());
mi->writeOrbProxy(out, this);
out->print("::acdkx::arb::ProxyClassesStruct __" + _name + "_Proxy_Info = { " + _name + "::clazzInfo(), " + _name + "_Proxy::create_instance, 0 };\n");
out->print("static::acdkx::arb::RegisterProxyClass _register_" + _name + "_Proxy(&__" + _name + "_Proxy_Info);\n\n");
out->print("//static\nR" + _name + " " + _name + "::GetProxy(IN(::acdkx::arb::RObjectID) objid)\n{\n return new " + _name + "_Proxy(objid);\n}\n");
out->print("//static\nR" + _name + " " + _name + "::GetProxy(IN(acdk::lang::Object) localObject)\n{\n return new " + _name + "_Proxy(localObject);\n}\n");
//out->print("#endif // " + headersecure.toString() + "\n\n");
} // acdkmc
} // tools
} // acdk
#endif //0 |