



using acdk.xml.libxmldom;
using org.xml; 
using org.w3c.dom;
using acdk.io;

org.xml.sax.InputSource input = new org.xml.sax.InputSource(); // force loading metainfo from org.xml too

class Local
	static String wxSourceDir = "C:\\d\\artefaktur\\acdk_doc\\docs\\wxWidgets\\html\\wx\\";
	static String acdkSourceDir = "C:\\d\\artefaktur\\acdk_doc\\docs\\ref\\doxygen\\html";
	static String outputDir = "C:\\d\\artefaktur\\acdk_doc\\docs\\ref";
	static String wxUrl = "http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/2.5.3/";
	static String curWxFile = "";
	static acdk.util.HashMap replaceStrings = Nil;
	static acdk.util.HashMap getReplaces()
		if (Local.replaceStrings != Nil)
			return Local.replaceStrings;
		acdk.util.HashMap map = new acdk.util.HashMap();
		map.put("wxHORIZONTAL", "OrientHorizontal");
		map.put("wxVERTICAL", "OrientVertical");
		return Local.replaceStrings = map;
	static String patchwxReplacements(String s)
		//out.println("replace: " + s);
		acdk.util.HashMap map = getReplaces();
		foreach (String k in map.keySet().iterator())
			s = s.replace(k, map.get(k));
		return s;
static void printDomNodes(IN(acdk::io::RPrintWriter) out, IN(org::w3c::dom::RNode) node, IN(RString) ident)
  out->println(ident + node->toString());
  if (node->hasChildNodes() == false)
  org::w3c::dom::RNodeList nl = node->getChildNodes();
  int count = nl->getLength();
  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
    printDomNodes(out, nl->item(i), ident + " ");
	static String acdkf2wxf(String acdkn)
		String wxn = acdkn.substr(0, acdkn.indexOf('.'));
		if (wxn.lastIndexOf("__") != -1)
			wxn = wxn.substr(wxn.lastIndexOf("__") + 2);
		wxn = "wx_wx" + wxn.toLowerCase() + ".html";
		out.println("acdkn: " + acdkn + "; wxn: " + wxn);
		return wxn;
	static String wxFuncName2AcdkName(String name)
		if (name.startsWith("wx") == true)
			return name.substr(2);
		if (Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) == true)
			return String.valueOf(Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(0))) + name.substr(1);
		return name;
	static String funcFromComponent(String name)
		int idx = name.lastIndexOf("::");
		if (idx == -1)
			return name;
		return name.substr(idx + 2);
	static void patchwxLink(Element e)
		String href = e.getAttribute("href");
		Node t = e.selectNode("text()");
		out.println("LINK: " + t.getData() + "=" + href);
		int loclalRefIdx = href.indexOf('#');
		String localRef = Nil;
		String globalRef = href;
		if (loclalRefIdx != -1)
			localRef = href.substr(loclalRefIdx + 1);
			href = href.substr(0, loclalRefIdx);
		if (Local.curWxFile.equals(href) == true)
		//if (href.startsWith("#") == true)
			Document doc = e.getOwnerDocument();
			Node ino = doc.createElement("i");
			e.getParentNode().insertBefore(ino, e);
		/*else if (href.startsWith("wx_wx") == true)
			e.setAttribute("href", Local.wxUrl + globalRef);
		//	href = href.substr(5);
		//return Local.wxUrl + href;
	static Node reworkWxNodes(Node n)
		NodeList nl = n->selectNodes("a");
		if (nl != Nil)
			foreach (Element e in nl.iterator())
		nl = n.selectNodes("text()");
		if (nl != Nil)
			foreach (Node e in nl.iterator())
				if (e instanceof CharacterData)
		return n;
	static bool ignoreWxTitleNode(String title)
		out.println("title: " + title);
		case .equals("Include files"), 
				 .equals("Derived from"),
						 return true;
				case .equals("Windows styles"), 
						 .equals("See also"),
						 return false;
						out.println("unhandled Title: " + title);
						return true;
		return 0 if insert this node
					 1 if skip
	static int insertState(Node n, int state)
		// ### remove this
		return 0;
	static void globalPatchWxDoc(Node body)
		NodeList titleNodes = body.selectNodes("//p[b/font/@color='#FF0000' or b/font/@color='#0000C8']");
		NodeArray toDelete = new NodeArray(0);
		if (titleNodes != Nil)
			int nl = titleNodes.getLength();
			for (int i = 0; i < nl; ++i)
				Node sn = titleNodes.item(i);
				String title = sn.selectNode("b/font/text()").getData();
				if (ignoreWxTitleNode(title) == true)
					Node nextTitle = titleNodes.item(i + 1);
					Node sibl = sn;
					while (sibl != Nil && sibl.isEqualNode(nextTitle) == false)
						Node backup = sibl;
						sibl = sibl.getNextSibling();
		//throw new Exception("shortcut");
		//return toDelete;
		titleNodes = Nil;
		foreach (Node n in toDelete)
			out.println("remove: " + n.toXML());
	// contains map with member to NodeArray
	static acdk.util.HashMap parseWxDoc(LibXMLDocument doc)
		acdk.util.HashMap map = new acdk.util.HashMap();
		Node body = doc->selectNode("/html/body");
		Node n = body->selectNode("h2");
		if (n == Nil)
			out.println("h2 not found");
		n = n.getNextSibling();
		NodeArray nodes = new NodeArray(0);
		int state = 0; // seek, 1 = remove
		while (n != Nil)
			state = insertState(n, state);
			if (n.getNodeName().equals("hr") == true)
			if (state == 0)
				Node s = reworkWxNodes(n);
				if (s != Nil)
			n = n.getNextSibling();
		map.put("__class", nodes);
		NodeList h3s = body->selectNodes("h3");
		foreach (Node h3 in h3s.iterator())
			String memberName = h3->selectNode("text()").getData();
			memberName = funcFromComponent(memberName);
			memberName = wxFuncName2AcdkName(memberName);
			h3 = h3.getNextSibling().getNextSibling();
			while (h3 != Nil)
				if (h3 instanceof Element)
					if (h3.getNodeName().equals("b") == false)
				h3 = h3.getNextSibling();
			//out.println("h3: " + memberName);
			Node s = h3;
			nodes = new NodeArray(0);
			for (int i = 0; s != Nil && i < 4; ++i)
				s = reworkWxNodes(s);
				if (s != Nil)
				s = s.getNextSibling();
			map.put(memberName, nodes);
		return map;

	static void insertWxDoc(Node n, NodeArray inserNodes, String wxName)
		Document doc = n.getOwnerDocument();
		Element i = doc.createElement("i");
		i.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("This documentation is from "));
		Element a = doc.createElement("a");
		a.setAttribute("href", Local.wxUrl + wxName);
		a.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(Local.wxUrl + wxName));
		int state = 0;
		foreach (Node toins in inserNodes)
			if (toins == Nil)
			state = insertState(n, state);
			if (state == 0)
	static void insertGeneralDoc(Node acdkBody, NodeArray inserNodes, String wxName)
		if (acdkBody == Nil || inserNodes == Nil)
		//<a name="_details">
		Node n = acdkBody.selectNode("a[@name='_details']");
		if (n == Nil)
			out.println("header node not found");
		n = n.getNextSibling().getNextSibling();
		insertWxDoc(n, inserNodes, wxName);
	static void patch(LibXMLDocument acdkDoc, LibXMLDocument wxDoc, String wxName)
		acdk.util.HashMap wxMap = parseWxDoc(wxDoc);
		if (wxMap == Nil)
		Node body = acdkDoc.selectNode("/html/body");
		insertGeneralDoc(body, wxMap.get("__class"), wxName);
		NodeList as = body.selectNodes("a");
		foreach (Node a in as.iterator())
			Element e = a;
			Attr attr = e.getAttributeNode("doxytag");
			if (attr == Nil)
			String name = attr.getValue();
			name = funcFromComponent(name);
			if (wxMap.containsKey(name) == false)
				out.println("no wxDoc found: " + name);
			//out.println("h2 found: " + name);
			Node s = a.selectNode("following-sibling::*[position() = 3]");
			if (s == Nil)
				ACDK_LOG(Warn, "No sibling found after h2: " + name);
			Node ins = s.selectNode("tr/td/p");//.item(1).;
			if (ins == Nil)
			NodeArray insertNodes = wxMap.get(name);
			if (insertNodes != Nil && insertNodes.length() > 0)
				insertWxDoc(ins, insertNodes, wxName);
			foreach (Node toins in inserNodes)
				if (toins != Nil)
static void patch(File acdkF)
	String acdkName = acdkF.getName();
	if (acdkName.endsWith("-members.html") == true)

	String wxName = acdkf2wxf(acdkName);
	File ts = new File(Local.wxSourceDir + wxName);
	if (ts.exists() == false)
		out.println("File does not exists: " + ts.getCanonicalPath());
	out.println("FILE Exists: " + ts.getCanonicalPath());
  LibXMLDocumentBuilder docBuilder = new LibXMLDocumentBuilder();

  int flags = acdk.xml.sax.XMLRF_PARSE_HTML_FLAGS;
  //flags = acdk.xml.sax.XMLRF_PARSE_HTML;
	acdk.io.RReader in = acdkF.getReader();
  LibXMLDocument acdkdoc = docBuilder.parse(in, acdk::net::URL::fileAsUrlName(acdkF));
	in = ts.getReader();
	Local.curWxFile = ts.getName();
	LibXMLDocument wxdoc = docBuilder.parse(in, acdk::net::URL::fileAsUrlName(ts));
	patch(acdkdoc, wxdoc, wxName);
	File outFile = new File(Local.outputDir + "/" + acdkF.getName());
	acdkdoc.write(outFile.getWriter(), org.w3c.dom.NWFWithIndent, 0, "HTML");
	static void insertWxLink(Node n, String wxName, String funcName = "")
		Document doc = n.getOwnerDocument();
		Element a = doc.createElement("a");
		String url = Local.wxUrl + "wx_" + wxName + ".html";
		if (funcName.length() > 0)
			url = url + "#" + wxName.toLowerCase() + funcName;
		a.setAttribute("href", url);
		a.setAttribute("target", "_new");
		a.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("See also documentation from wxWidgets"));
	static String acdkFuncName2WxARelLink(String name)
		return name.toLowerCase();
	static void insertGeneralDoc2(Node acdkBody, String wxName)
		if (acdkBody == Nil)
		//<a name="_details">
		Node n = acdkBody.selectNode("a[@name='_details']");
		if (n == Nil)
			out.println("header node not found");
		n = n.getNextSibling().getNextSibling();
		insertWxLink(n, wxName);
	static void patch2(LibXMLDocument acdkDoc, LibXMLDocument wxDoc, String wxName)
		Node body = acdkDoc.selectNode("/html/body");
		insertGeneralDoc2(body, wxName);
		NodeList nl = acdkDoc.selectNodes("//a[@doxytag]");
		foreach (Node n in nl.iterator())
			//out.println("NL: " + n.toXML());
			String dox = n.getAttribute("doxytag");
			int idx = dox.lastIndexOf("::");
			String id = dox.substr(idx + 2);
			Node ins = n.selectNode("following-sibling::*[position() = 3]")
			if (ins == Nil)
			out.println("ID: " + id + "=" + id.toLowerCase());
			insertWxLink(ins, wxName, id.toLowerCase());
	static void patch2(File acdkF)
		String acdkName = acdkF.getName();
		if (acdkName.endsWith("-members.html") == true)

		String wxName = acdkf2wxf(acdkName);
		File ts = new File(Local.wxSourceDir + wxName);
		if (ts.exists() == false)
			out.println("File does not exists: " + ts.getCanonicalPath());
		out.println("FILE Exists: " + ts.getCanonicalPath());
	  LibXMLDocumentBuilder docBuilder = new LibXMLDocumentBuilder();
	  int flags = acdk.xml.sax.XMLRF_PARSE_HTML_FLAGS;
  	//flags = acdk.xml.sax.XMLRF_PARSE_HTML;
		acdk.io.RReader in = acdkF.getReader();
  	LibXMLDocument acdkdoc = docBuilder.parse(in, acdk::net::URL::fileAsUrlName(acdkF));
		in = ts.getReader();
		Local.curWxFile = ts.getName();
		LibXMLDocument wxdoc = docBuilder.parse(in, acdk::net::URL::fileAsUrlName(ts));
		wxName = wxName.substr(0, wxName.length() - ".html".length()).substr(3);
		patch2(acdkdoc, wxdoc, wxName);
		File outFile = new File(Local.outputDir + "/" + acdkF.getName());
		acdkdoc.write(outFile.getWriter(), org.w3c.dom.NWFWithIndent, 0, "HTML");
static void go()
	File acdkSD = new File(Local.acdkSourceDir);
	FilesArray files = acdkSD.listFiles(new acdk::io::GlobFilenameFilter("class_acdk__wx__*.html"));
	foreach (File f in files)
Local.patch2(new File(Local.acdkSourceDir + "\\class_acdk__wx__TreeCtrl.html"));
acdk.io.File file = new acdk.io.File("C:\\d\\artefaktur\\acdk_doc\\docs\\wxWidgets\\html\\wx\\wx_wxwindow.html");
LibXMLDocumentBuilder docBuilder = new LibXMLDocumentBuilder();
acdk.io.RReader in = file.getReader();
LibXMLDocument doc = docBuilder.parse(in, acdk::net::URL::fileAsUrlName(file));
Node body = doc->selectNode("/html/body");
out.println("h2: " + body->selectNode("h2/text()").getData());
NodeList h3s = body->selectNodes("h3");
foreach (Node h3 in h3s.iterator())
	out.println("\nh3: " + h3->selectNode("text()").getData());
	Node s = h3.getNextSibling();
	for (int i = 0; s != Nil && i < 4; ++i)
		s = s.getNextSibling();
//Local.printDomNodes(out, el, );