

ACI Concept


Conceptional thinking about design of ACI.

Content of this chapter:

   Important classes of the compiler framework
     Parsing States
     Scanning, Parsing
     Compiling, Execution
   Eval Blocks
   Sample: Transformation of free functions
   Inject debugging
   Build in and plugin language features
   OpCode is just also an branch in Code Tree
   Thinking about compiled format

 Important classes of the compiler framework

 Parsing States

States for building ASTs:
  • Syntax using ParseNodes
  • Semantic resolutions Parses declaration, declared types are available
  • Definition of types are parsed and defined. Statements and expressions are evaluated
  • Generating OpCodes
  • Collecting OpCodes

interface ParseSource

class Compiler
    @param listener callback
    @param state TransformState or 0
    @param codeName name of code or Nil
    @param listenerState one of TransformListenerState
  void registerCodeTransformListener(IN(RCodeTransformListener) listener);

  Alternativelly to enumerations
  the queries on AST may be strings
enum TransformState

enum ParseState
  PSSyntax    = 0x00010,
  PSSemantic  = 0x00020,
  PSOpCode    = 0x00040

enum CodeType
  CTSyntax    = 0x00002,
  CTSemantic  = 0x00004,
  CTOpCode    = 0x00008

enum TransformListenerState
  UnknownTransform = 0x00,
  BeforeTransform = 0x01,

class CodeTransformListener 
  void onTransform(TransformListenerState transState, IN(RCode) code, int state, IN(RCompiler) comp)

class Code
  Code* _parent;
  int _codeType;
  void defaultActionOnChields(int state, IN(RCompiler) comp)
    for (int i = 0; i < _childs->length(); ++i)
    _childs[i]->transform(state, comp);
  void transform(int state, IN(RCompiler) comp)
    callBeforeListener(state, comp);
    doTransform(state, comp);
    callAfterListener(state, comp);
  virtual void doTransform(int state, IN(RCompiler) comp)
    switch (state)
    case InvalidSyntax:
      defaultActionOnChields(state, comp);
      if (_codeType >= CTSyntax)
        childs = new CodeArray(0);
      defaultActionOnChields(state, comp);
    return semantic element of the tree
    This may be a type or part of type.
    A method returns the Metainfo of the method (DClazzMethodInfo)
  RSemantic getSem(){ return Nil }
    return the semantic of the current Node.
    A method returns the type of the return value
  RSemantic getExpressionSem() { return Nil }
  RCode getParent() { return _parent; }
  int getChildCount() { return 0; }
  RCode getNthChild(int i) { THROW1(Exception, "has no child" }; }

class Executor
  virtual void execute(IN(RCompiler) comp, IN(REvalEnv) env) = 0;

class OpCode 
: extends Code
, implements Executor

class CodeWithChilds : extends Code
  RCodeArray _childs;

class CodeWithST : extends CodeWithChilds
  RSymbolTable _st;

class MyCode : extends Code
  void doTransform(int state, IN(RCompiler) comp)
    switch (state)
    case BuildDeclSemantic:
      Code::doTransform(state, comp);

 Scanning, Parsing

acdk::aci::ParseNode contains a parsing rule. (This class may be renamed later to SyntaxNode.) The general version of ParseNode uses BNF syntax to genrates instances of acdk::aci::Code which are leafes of an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree). The first step of the compiler builds the AST. Open issues:
  • Whitespaces and Comments should be also available as AstNodes.


Open Issues:
  • Modifing AstNodes (replace/insert/delete childs): The orginal AST should be available. The replaces/deleted AstNodes should still be available.
        foreach (ElementType el in collection) 
        /* Operate on el */
        results in
        will be modified to:
          Iterator tempVarIt = collection.iterator();
          while (tempVarIt.hasNext() == true)
            ElementType el = tempVarIt.next();
              /* Operate on el */
        Block // synthetic org -> ForeachStatement
          LVarDecl  // synthetic
            Initializer (modified Expression(1))
          WhileStatement //synthetic
            Expression //synthetic
            Block // syntetic
              LvarDecl //synthetic
              Block -> Block(1)
    To make this Transformation a ForEachParseNode has to be registered which generates the initial AST for foreach. After analysing semantics a AstNodeListener has to transform the original ForEachStatement AST to a Block with enclosing WhileStatement.
See Eval Bocks below.

 Compiling, Execution

The base class of higher language parsing/evaluation will be done by acdk::aci::Code implementation. The second step of the compiler transform the AST. A traditional task on this step is to generate executable (pseudo-) code from the grammar.

 Eval Blocks

Before text will be parsed the Eval Block will be parsed and executed.

[ normal code ]

Inside the EvalBlock the Compiler can be modified. If the EvalBlock is defined on module level, the modifications of the Compiler are valid until end of the module (source text).

// MyModule1
unit myunit;
  // modify compiler

// MyModule2
  using myunit.MyModule1;
  // use Compiler modifications from MyModule1
Scoped block should also be possible:

    [ .... ]
    // compiler modifications should only be valid in this block.
Nested Evaluations:

    SubEval block.
  Eval block 
Normal Code
Before Normal Code will be parsed Eval Block will be executed. Bore Eval Block will be parsed SubEval block will be executed. Importing rule scope:

// acdk/aal/regexp/RegExp.aal
package acdk.aal.regexp;
class RegExpParseNode
extends acdk.aci.ParseNode
  // ....
  compiler.registerParseNode(new acdk.lang.reflect.Unit("acdk.aal.RegExp"), new RegExpParseNode());

// MyFile.aal
  [ use syntax acdk.aal.RegExp;  ] // should import library namespace and corresponding Compiler plugings
  String s = "asdf";
  s =~ s/a/A/g;
String s = "asdf";
s =~ s/a/A/g; // this should give a syntax error, because regexp syntax is not available


[> /* Code access following AST */ ]
class MyClass

 Sample: Transformation of free functions

ACDK itself doesn't support free functions. With a AAL plugin global function can be supported.

  // pseudo
  class FreeFunctionParseNode
  extends ParseNode
    public FreeFunctionParseNode(...) {}
    void postParse(Compiler comp)
      // operate on AST and generate Class with name of function and operator
  Compiler comp = Compiler.getCompiler().
  comp.registerRule(new FreeFunctionParseNode("FreeFunctionParseNode", "ClassDeclMethod $"));
  //ParseNode pn = comp.findRule("TypeDecl");
  //pn.setSyntax(pn.getSyntax() + " | FreeFunctionParseNode");
  comp.registerRule(new ParseNode("TypeDecl", "FreeFunctionParseNode"));
int add(int i, int j) { return i + j; }

//  ============================================================================
//  will transfered to
class add
	public static int operator()(int i, int j) { return i + j; }
// in the transform/postparse step

 Inject debugging

[ compiler.applyAfterPostParse(new DebugListener()); ] // loading 
int j = 0;
j = j + 1;

will tranfered to:
int j = 0;
j = j + 1;

 Build in and plugin language features

Following features has to be build in:
  • Basic type system
  • Object representation
  • Object calls
  • Basic ParseNodes like Expression, Statement, LVarDecl, IfStatement, WhileStatement, GotoStatement, etc.
Following features can be implemented as compiler plugin:
  • Free functions
  • named parameter in call
  • Debugging, breakpoints
  • lambda expressions (as anon delegates)
  • All statements
  • All expressions
  • code inlining
  • SQL expressions
  • Regular Expressions
  • Attributes (see also ACDK Attributes)
  • Here documents
  • new statements like foreach
  • user type conversion, like automatic literale object wrapping
  • Parsing comment strings for documentation (javadoc)
  • Assembler nodes
  • Transpiler (java .class, .net ILM, Parrot, etc.)
  • GUI description language
  • Optimizing like Constand Folding, Unroll Loops, Inlining, Call optimizing (non-virtual)
  • Macros/Templates
  • Alternative Language (Lisp for example)

 OpCode is just also an branch in Code Tree

int i = 2 + (3 * 4);

		VarName i
			op clvr	(0)
			op push 0
			op store 0
				Literal 2
					op push 2
					Literal 3
						Op push 3
					Literal 4
						Op push 4
					Op mul
				op add
			Op loadref 0
			Op assign
resulting ops
0: clvr 0 // i
1: push 0 // initialize local value
2: store 0 // initialize local value
3: push 2 // Terminal
4: push 3 // Terminal
5: push 4 // Terminal
6: mul
7: add
8: loadref 0 // i
9: assign
10: pop // discarge expression result for ExprStatement

 Thinking about compiled format

See acdk_aci_compiled.