

ACDK Basics


| Basics | Objects | Types | Hello World |

We now want to introduce to you the basics of ACDK.

Content of this chapter:

         Creating Objects
         Accessing Methods
         Accessing Fields
         Destroy Object
         Copy References
         Copy Instances
         Arguments and Return values

 Creating Objects
To create a new Object use 'new'.
Save the new Object in a Reference.
A Reference to an Object instance is typed by R+ClassName. For StringBuffer the type of the Reference is RStringBuffer.

  RStringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

 Accessing Methods
Unlike in Java, accessing methods is different, if the method is static or non- static.

  RStringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  sb->append("Hi"); // non static call
  RString str = String::valueOf(3.4); // static call

 Accessing Fields
Normally, it is not a good idea to access Class Fields directly without a set/get method wrapper.

 Destroy Object
Object should be destroyed. They will automatically be destroyed, if the last Reference to the object is lost.
As an alternative, you can also asign Nil to the the reference:

  RStringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer("M");
  sb1 = Nil;
  // sb1 does not hold StringBuffer, StringBuffer will be removed

 Copy References
If you want to dublicate a reference, you can easily use:

  RStringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer("M");
  RStringBuffer sb2 = sb1; // sb2 contains the same StringBuffer instance
  sb1->append("JA"); // StringBuffer now contains "ACDK"
See also:  References.

 Copy Instances
In ACDK the same mechanism will be used for copy instances (not only reference).

  RStringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer("M");
  RStringBuffer sb2 = sb1->clone(); // sb2 contains a dublicate
  // sb2 refer to "MA"
  // sb1 refer to "AJA"

 Arguments and Return values
With default, only references will be passed as method argument or return value.
They are similiar to rules found in Java.

RInteger myParse(RStringBuffer arg)
  RString str = arg->toString();
  RInteger erg = Integer::parseInt(str);
  return erg;

// same, but more 'inlined' version
RInteger myParse(RStringBuffer arg)
  return Integer::parseInt(arg->toString());

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