-- ACDK API Docs Namespaces Root namespace ObjectArrayImpl members
(c) 2005 byRoger Rene Kommer
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#include <ObjectArrayBase.h>
Inheritance diagram for ObjectArrayImpl< T >:
Different to Java acdk::lang::Object arrays in ACDK are resizable
Reimplemented from acdk::lang::ObjectArrayBaseImpl.
[inline, protected]
STL style function.
[inline, static]
return the ClazzInfo for this class will be re-implemented for each class by methods generated by acdkmc
Reimplemented from acdk::lang::ObjectBase.
append given other Array to this array
Find equals element (using el->equals()) If el == Nil find first element which also Nil.
alias for findFirst(IN(T) el)
find the element (using equals()) from behind
find same object
return element at index idx
Reimplemented from acdk::lang::Object.
[inline, virtual]
remove element which is same instance