note: the order of argument is a little bit different Adds bar information to the frame layout.
The appearance of the layout is not refreshed immediately; RefreshNow() can be called if necessary.
Notes: the argument pBarWnd can by NULL, resulting in bar decorations to be drawn around the empty rectangle (filled with default background colour). Argument dimInfo can be reused for adding any number of bars, since it is not used directly - instead its members are copied. If the dimensions handler is present, its instance is shared (reference counted). The dimension handler should always be allocated on the heap.
pBarWnd is the window to be managed.
dimInfo contains dimension information.
alignment is a value such as FL_ALIGN_TOP.
rowNo is the vertical position or row in the pane (if in docked state).
columnPos is the horizontal position within the row in pixels (if in docked state).
name is a name by which the bar can be referred in layout customization dialogs.
If spyEvents is TRUE, input events for the bar should be spyed in order to forward unhandled mouse clicks to the frame layout, for example to enable easy draggablity of toolbars just by clicking on their interior regions. For widgets like text/tree control this value should be FALSE, since there's no certain way to detect whether the event was actually handled.
state is the initial state, such as wxCBAR_DOCKED_HORIZONTALLY, wxCBAR_FLOATING, wxCBAR_HIDDEN. |