Compounds |
class | RString |
| specialization of RefClass1Interface<String, acdk::lang::Object, RComparable> to enable String related operators API: Java
struct | StaticAsciiLiteral |
| this is a little helper class for fast comparing String with string literals. More...
class | String |
| Similar to Java but extended Some extional function are inspired by the org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils class. More...
struct | StringHash |
| This template compiles a ascii string literal hash code at up to 20 characters at compile time. More...
Defines |
#define | RCS(ptr) ::acdk::lang::constr(ptr) |
| ptr is a constant (normally literal) ASCII or UTF byte character stream (const char*) String will not copy this into own buffer, but points to given ptr
#define | SCS(ptr) ::acdk::lang::stkstr(ptr) |
| create string of given valid ASCII or UTF8 byte character stream stream.
#define | ACDK_STACK_STR(arg) ::acdk::lang::RString(::acdk::lang::String(arg)) |
| to wrap a literal on stack with a string Use only if sure that the String (or derived substrings) will only lived in the current stack scope and no reference of the returned string will be stored outside scope
#define | _UC(text) ::acdk::lang::String::decodeAscUnicodeCharacter(text) |
| wraps a literal string with embededded unicode escapes
#define | _US(text) ::acdk::lang::String::decodeAscUnicode(text) |
| wraps a literal string with embededded unicode escapes an return it as character
#define | ASCLITERAL(strlit) static StaticAsciiLiteral lit_##strlit(#strlit) |
| use this if you use a ascii literal in your source code.
#define | EXTERN_ASCLITERAL(strlit) extern acdk::lang::StaticAsciiLiteral lit_##strlit |
| same as ASCLITERAL but with extern binding instead of static
#define | GLOBAL_ASCLITERAL(strlit) acdk::lang::StaticAsciiLiteral lit_##strlit(#strlit) |
| same as ASCLITERAL but with no binding instead of static
#define | EXTERN_EXPORT_ASCLITERAL(Export, strlit) extern Export acdk::lang::StaticAsciiLiteral lit_##strlit |
| same as EXTERN_ASCLITERAL but with DLL export tag
#define | EXPORT_ASCLITERAL(Export, strlit) Export acdk::lang::StaticAsciiLiteral lit_##strlit(#strlit) |
| same as GLOBAL_ASCLITERAL but with DLL export tag
Enumerations |
enum | StringStorageType {
UnspecSST = 0x0000,
NormalSST = 0x0001,
SubSST = 0x0002,
ConstSST = 0x0004,
HashSST = 0x0008,
StorageMaskSST = 0x000F
} |
| defines how the String class store its internal buffer More...
enum | CharacterClass {
CCAscii = 0x0010,
CCUcs2 = 0x0020,
CCUcs4 = 0x0030,
CCAnsi = 0x0040,
CCUtf8 = 0x0050,
CCUtf16 = 0x0060,
CharacterClassMask = 0x00F0
} |
| specifies the encoding of the character buffer More...
enum | CodePage { Ascii_CP = 0x0000,
Latin_1_CP = 0x0100,
CodePageMask = 0xFF00
} |
| ISO code pages supported by string only used if CharacterClass is CCAnsi. More...
enum | TrimFlags {
TrimSpace = 0x01,
TrimNewLines = 0x02,
TrimControl = 0x04,
TrimWhiteSpace = TrimSpace | TrimNewLines | TrimControl,
TrimLeft = 0x10,
TrimRight = 0x20,
TrimBoth = TrimLeft | TrimRight
} |
| flags for String::trim More...
Functions |
RString | constr (const char *ptr) |
| creates a const string
RString | constr (const uc2char *ptr) |
| creates a const string
RString | stkstr (const char *ptr) |
| ptr is a valid ASCII or UTF8 byte character stream (const char*) String create own buffer
RString | stkstr (const uc2char *ptr) |
| ptr is a valid UCS-2 character stream (const uc2char*) String create own buffer
RString | stkstr (const uc4char *ptr) |
| ptr is a valid UCS-4 character stream (const uc4char*) String create own buffer