namespace acdk::cfgscript
Modules Namespace List Class Hierarchy Alphabetical List Compound List Namespace Members Compound Members Related Pages
acdk::cfgscript Namespace Reference
Detailed Description
Contains a Java/JavaScript like scripting language based on ACDK DMI.
- See also:
CfgScript Handbook
Compounds |
struct | ChDir |
| Change directory in constructor and change back to previsous directory in desctructor. More...
class | ConsoleDebugger |
| Implementation of a command line CfgScript debugger. More...
class | DebugBreakPoints |
| contains the configured debugger breakpoints More...
class | Debugger |
| interface for a CfgScript Debugger More...
class | DebugPoint |
| generic interface for Breakpoints More...
class | ExecutionStack |
class | ExecutionStackFrame |
class | FunctionEnterDebugPoint |
| breakpoint on function when entered More...
class | Props |
| Generic Properties holding DmiObject's. More...
class | PropsChangeListener |
struct | ScopedCfgVar |
| Used to hold varaibles as stack var. More...
class | Script |
| Script represents a script file. More...
class | ScriptClassLoader |
| implements a ClassLoader for CfgScript. More...
class | ScriptException |
class | ScriptGlobals |
| represents global functions. More...
class | ScriptObject |
| Simple Script acdk::lang::Object. More...
class | ScriptSource |
| Source for scripts. More...
class | ShellExecutor |
| General class to execute external programs. More...
class | SourceLineDebugPoint |
| breakpoint when script source line will be executed More...
struct | SourceToken |
| represents an parsed CfgScript token. More...
class | SourceTokenizer |
| before executing a CfgScript the source will be parsed to token. More...
class | ThrowExceptionDebugPoint |
| breakpoint if exception will be thrown More...
class | TokenizedSource |
| before executing a CfgScript the source will be parsed to token. More...
class | WalkDebugPoint |
| implementation for 'step' and 'next' debug actions This removes itself if debug its More...
Enumerations |
enum | ExecutionFlags {
EFActiveReturn = 0x01,
EFActiveException = 0x02,
EFActiveBreak = 0x04,
EFActiveContinue = 0x08,
EFBreakableStatement = 0x10,
EFContinuableStatement = 0x20
} |
| flags to control execution flow More...
enum | DebugFlags {
DbgRun = 0x0000,
DbgBreakStatements = 0x0001,
DbgStepInto = 0x0002,
DbgContinue = 0x0004,
DbgPrintEachLine = 0x0008,
DbgBreakOnExecption = 0x0010,
DbgBreakOnFail = 0x0020,
DbgSysTraceOn = 0x0100,
DbgStepOverNextStmt = 0x0200,
DbgExitAll = 0x0800,
DbgScriptRunIsolated = 0x1000
} |
enum | ExecutionStackFlags { ESFFirstStatement = 0x00001
} |
enum | PropsFlags {
PropsNoFlags = 0x0000,
PropsParentRead = 0x0001,
PropsNoParentRead = 0x0002,
PropsParentWrite = 0x0004,
PropsNoParentWrite = 0x0008,
PropsWarnRead = 0x0010,
PropsNoWarnRead = 0x0020,
PropsWarnWrite = 0x0040,
PropsNoWarnWrite = 0x0080,
PropsAppendPushFront = 0x0008,
PropsNoStringDups = 0x0001,
PropsDefaultSetFlags = PropsNoParentWrite,
PropsDefaultAppendStringArrayFlags = PropsNoStringDups | PropsNoParentWrite,
PropsEvalQuoteFileNameArgs = 0x0100,
PropsEvalRecursive = 0x0200,
PropsEvalDefault = PropsParentRead | PropsEvalRecursive,
PropsMergeWithParent = 0x1000,
PropsMergeOverWrite = 0x2000,
PropsMergeAppendArrays = 0x4000,
PropsMergeDefault = PropsMergeWithParent | PropsMergeOverWrite | PropsMergeAppendArrays
} |
| Flags for operations on Props. More...
enum | PropChangeEvents { PropEventValueWrite,
} |
enum | DumpFlags { DumpWithParent = 0x01,
DumpWithChilds = 0x02
} |
enum | ScriptFlags {
ScriptReadParent = 0x0001,
ScriptWriteParent = 0x0002,
ScriptReadWriteParent = 0x0003,
ScriptNoDefaultProps = 0x0004,
ScriptDefaultFlags = ScriptReadParent,
ScriptRunIsolated = DbgScriptRunIsolated
} |
enum | DebugRunAction { DRANextStatement = 0x01,
DRAEnterFunction = 0x02,
DRAThrowException = 0x04,
DRAReEnterFunction = 0x08
} |
| current state of the interpreter More...
enum | DebugNextAction {
} |
| instruction from the debugger to the interpreter what to do next More...
enum | ShellExecuteFlags {
SExecUseShell = 0x01,
SExecUseFileRedirect = 0x02,
SExecUseCleanEnv = 0x04,
SExecIsScript = 0x08,
SExecEvalBeforeExec = 0x10,
SExecNoStdOut = 0x20,
SExecNoErrOut = 0x40,
SExecNoOut = SExecNoStdOut | SExecNoErrOut
} |
enum | SourceTk { STkTemplateText = -100,
STkTemplateExpression = -101,
STkTemplateComment = -102
} |
enum | STFlags { STWantWhiteSpace = 0x00001,
STWantNewLine = 0x00002,
STWantComments = 0x00004,
STParseTemplate = 0x00008
} |
Enumeration Type Documentation
- Enumeration values:
DbgRun |
DbgBreakStatements |
DbgStepInto |
DbgContinue |
DbgPrintEachLine |
DbgBreakOnExecption |
not implemneted |
DbgBreakOnFail |
not implemneted |
DbgSysTraceOn |
not implemneted |
DbgStepOverNextStmt |
internal |
DbgExitAll |
DbgScriptRunIsolated |
instruction from the debugger to the interpreter what to do next
- Enumeration values:
DbgNAContinue |
DbgNAStepOver |
DbgNAStepInto |
DbgNAUntilReturn |
DbgNANoThrow |
only in throw exception break point |
DbgTerminate |
current state of the interpreter
- Enumeration values:
DRANextStatement |
DRAEnterFunction |
DRAThrowException |
DRAReEnterFunction |
flags to control execution flow
- Enumeration values:
EFActiveReturn |
return current method |
EFActiveException |
NOT USED Exception is active. |
EFActiveBreak |
EFActiveContinue |
EFBreakableStatement |
EFContinuableStatement |
- Enumeration values:
PropEventValueWrite |
PropEventCreate |
PropEventAssign |
PropEventRemoveKey |
Flags for operations on Props.
- Enumeration values:
PropsNoFlags |
PropsParentRead |
PropsNoParentRead |
PropsParentWrite |
PropsNoParentWrite |
PropsWarnRead |
warn if value tried to readed not exits.
Default warns if value try to read that doesn't exists |
PropsNoWarnRead |
PropsWarnWrite |
Warn if try to overwrite an value.
Default is not to warn overwriting values. |
PropsNoWarnWrite |
PropsAppendPushFront |
In Appending a string to an existant, insert the string on the begining. |
PropsNoStringDups |
Create no duplicates in string arrays. |
PropsDefaultSetFlags |
PropsDefaultAppendStringArrayFlags |
PropsEvalQuoteFileNameArgs |
PropsEvalRecursive |
PropsEvalDefault |
PropsMergeWithParent |
PropsMergeOverWrite |
PropsMergeAppendArrays |
PropsMergeDefault |
- Enumeration values:
ScriptReadParent |
read directly from given props |
ScriptWriteParent |
write into given props |
ScriptReadWriteParent |
ScriptNoDefaultProps |
dont set Nil, true, out, globals etc |
ScriptDefaultFlags |
ScriptRunIsolated |
run Script in isolated enviromnent if script doesn't run isolated and it contains class definitions (or loads other script classes via classloader) these classes and scripts will not be freed until program termination |
- Enumeration values:
SExecUseShell |
do not execute cmd directly but use a shell, like sh or cmd Note: |
SExecUseFileRedirect |
use tempory files for output capture |
SExecUseCleanEnv |
don't use the system environment, but a clean empty enviromnet |
SExecIsScript |
the command line is a script (.cmd or .sh) and not an executable implies SExecUseShell |
SExecEvalBeforeExec |
the command line will be evaluated by acdk::cfgscript::Script before execute it |
SExecNoStdOut |
don't print std out to writer |
SExecNoErrOut |
don't print std err to writer |
SExecNoOut |
- Enumeration values:
STkTemplateText |
STkTemplateExpression |
STkTemplateComment |
- Enumeration values:
STWantWhiteSpace |
STWantNewLine |
STWantComments |
STParseTemplate |