| Syntax Elements | Source | Preprocessor | Types | Expressions | Backtick Expressions | Statements | Class | Logging |
A very powerful feature of scripting language - like unix shell or perl -
is the ability of inline evaluation of strings.
: '`' StringLiteral '`'
The backtick enables inline expression evaluation in string literals, similar to Perl or sh
Single identifier, wrapped with ${} will be resolved in current scope:
int i = 42;
String s = `"i is ${i}"`;
This code prints:
i is 42 .
If the string between ${} is not a single identifier it will be
evaluated as expression:
int i = 42;
String s = `"i is ${i + 1}"`;
This code prints:
i is 43 .
The string between !{}! will be evaluated as normal
script. This part will be replaced with the content written to
int i = 42;
String s = `"i is !{ out.print(i + 1); }!"`;
This code prints:
i is 43 .
Note: writing to err is also possible, but this goes to
the standard err object.
The string between @{} has to be a identifier to
a StringArray.
String args = [ "a", "b" ];
String s = `"args is @{args}"`;
i is a b .
If you want to quote parts of the string, to avoid unwanted evaluation you can quote parts with
String hello = "hallo";
out.println(`"#{${hello}}# is ${hello}"`);
The first ${hello} is quoted, so the output is:
${hello} is hallo
With `{ }` the enclosing command will be executed by the
operation system.
The command can contain itself contain string replacements.
Here an example:
String cdir = System.getAcdkHome();
String lsOutput = "";
String dirCmd = "";
if (System.getPlatformFlags() & acdk.lang.PfWin32)
dirCmd = "dir";
dirCmd = "ls";
lsOutput = `"`{${dirCmd} ${cdir}}`"`;
You can control more options for execution the external command with
variables declared in the current scope.
int SHELLEXECUTE_TIMEOUT : only wait given milliseconds for finish
process execution. If the process was not finished after given milliseconds
the process will be killed.
The default is -1 , which means calling script waits for ever.
bool SHELLEXECUTE_USEFILEREDIRECT : Use temporary files to capture
output of process.
Default is false .
bool SHELLEXECUTE_USESHELL : Don't execute the given executable directly
by underlying operation system, but use the system shell.
Default is false .
define the shell executable, which should execute the command.
Default is "cmd" on Windows and "sh" on unix platforms.
String SHELLEXECUTE_EXECUTE_OPTION : Option given to the shell
Default is "/C" on Windows and "-c" on unix platforms.
bool SHELLEXECUTE_ISSHELLSCRIPT : The command passed to shell
(SHELLEXECUTE_SHELL ) is not a native command, but itself a script.
Here a sample to use the shell:
String path;
if (System.getPlatformFlags() & acdk.lang.PfWin32)
path = `"`{echo #{%PATH%}#}`"`;
path = `"`{echo #{${PATH}}#}`"`;
out.println("PATH from shell is: " + path);